The weekend's warm weather and sunshine brought out the carnival spirit at a children's parade.

The Uckfield Carnival got off to a loud and impressive start with a free fireworks display at Holy Cross School playing fields on Friday night.

There was also a fairground.

The following afternoon in the High Street there was the children's parade with a range of stunning costumes, from penguins and butterflies to a packet of Hula Hoops.

In the evening, a torchlit procession took place.

Organised by Uckfield Bonfire and Carnival Society, the procession started at Grange Road and made its way through a number of estates.

Big Brother runner-up Eugene Sully led the Uckfield FM float and was greeted with cheers.

Carol Watts, secretary of Uckfield Carnival, said: "The torchlit procession drew the biggest crowd I've seen in Uckfield for a long time.

"The carnival takes us a year to organise and it's great that it was such a success after all the hard work."

The organisers were still counting the money raised by the carnival last night but estimated it would be about £5,000.

The proceeds will go to local charities and deserving causes.