Healthy-living Sussex residents top the list of shoppers who buy organic produce.

A survey shows people in Hove and Lewes buy the most organic fruit and vegetables compared to the rest of the UK.

The survey was conducted by Tesco Organic at the beginning of national organic week, which started on Saturday.

Tesco says its Hove and Lewes supermarkets are in its top-five stores for national organic produce sales.

And southerners, people in northern Scotland and the east of England are most likely to pamper their pooches but pet owners in central Scotland and Yorkshire are least likely to fork out for organic pet food.

Drinkers in the Borders, Wales and the west of England, northern Scotland and the South-West are most likely to choose organic wine, cider and spirits.

Newcastle's shoppers are the UK's third biggest overall organic spenders, behind North London and New Malden and just ahead of consumers in Hove.

Tesco Organic's marketing manager, Tasmin Suter, said: "In particular, we have seen a rise in the number of young families choosing organic, particularly those with children under ten. They started off with organic baby food and are continuing to make organic choices as their children grow."

Tesco Organic's top-selling lines include eggs, bananas, chicken and milk.

Monday, September 5, 2005