Protesters picketed a recruitment agency which provided people to replace sacked airline catering workers.

Blue Arrow, a national recruitment agency, has supplied temporary workers to replace staff sacked by the Gate Gourmet catering company for taking unballoted strike action at Heathrow airport last month.

On Friday protesters gathered outside the agency's branch in Queens Road, Brighton, to protest against the move.

Protester Tim Lawson, 30, said: "We are showing solidarity for the Gate Gourmet workers.

"They have called for a day of community action against Blue Arrow for replacing the sacked workers and we will be here all day."

A Blue Arrow spokesman said: "While we understand the extent of the emotion felt by all individuals who have been directly involved with the industrial dispute surrounding Gate Gourmet and British Airways and those who sympathise with them, Blue Arrow and its staff in Brighton are not associated with the cause of the original strikes at Heathrow airport, nor the strategic staffing decisions of Gate Gourmet."

Monday, September 5, 2005