In response to Tony Austin (Letters, August 29), I have lived in Brighton all my life and it is my understanding the parks are for the benefit of everyone in Brighton, not just Mr Austin and his family.

The band he complains about, Southern Aurora Drum Corps, is a registered charity youth organisation. It aims to provide young people with an interesting, educational hobby.

They are taught to read and play music, to work as a team, work hard and they compete nationally and internationally.

Would Mr Austin be happier if these youths were hanging around on street corners with nothing to do? This is a positive activity for young people and one I am proud to be associated with.

Due to a lack of Brighton facilities where they can safely rehearse away from residential areas, Brighton and Hove City Council has kindly given them permission to use the park.

I would also like to point out this is the first negative response we have ever had.

Every week we have nothing but positive remarks about what a fantastic thing it is for children to be involved with. People wander over and even pull up chairs to sit and watch and listen.

The band has been featured on numerous occasions in The Argus, celebrating the success of these young people.

I'm sorry Mr Austin feels his family party was ruined. I would suggest that if they had perhaps moved to another area of this huge park they would have found the tranquility they sought.

-Tanya Woodhams, Portslade