The singers featured on the first-ever Bojangles bill were a trio of individuals.

Each commanded the stage with a distinct presence, unique performance and varied sound.

But the quality all three shared was an ability to perform live and prove what it means to be a talented female artist.

Brighton's Alison David looked suitably relaxed in front of a home crowd.

Combining a soul sound with guitar, her songs covered everything from ambition to the joys of sex, all introduced with a brief explanation which enhanced the intimacy of her performance.

But it was the arrival of Carleen Anderson and a full compliment of funk which made the concert feel like a live show.

Performing songs from her new album and classics from her Young Disciples days, Anderson soon had the crowd moving - as much as is possible within the confines of seats.

It is only when you hear Mama Said played live after years of listening to CD you realise the art of live performance.

Cut away the trappings of a live concert and with only the briefest of introductions, Joan Armatrading drew rapturous applause.

Love And Affection and Down To Zero are among those wellloved tracks which do not need any introduction although, at times, it felt like Armatrading could have been rehearsing these numbers in the shower.

But, as a performer who commands so much respect from other musicians and enthusiasm from her fans, then being on stage really must make Armatrading feel at home.