A teenager was tied up with industrial cable and stranded in a playground during an assault on his first day back at school.

Liam Chivers, 13, had only been back from his summer holidays to Portslade Community College in Chalky Road, Brighton, for a few hours.

He was assaulted by two youths.

The youngster, from Millcross Road, Brighton, was in the playground with friends when he was approached by older youths just after 1pm on Wednesday.

They lifted him off the ground, threw him onto his back and began tying his wrists and ankles together.

They used industrial cable, used by workmen on building sites.

Liam said: "They picked me up and put me on the floor and loads of others came over.

"I really didn't know what they were going to do.

"They tied my hands together, then my feet and then tied them all together and left me there.

"I felt really upset afterwards. They picked on me because I am small."

Teachers freed the teenager after they were alerted by students.

Staff found the schoolboy tied up with his wrists, ankles, arms and legs all forced together above his body.

Liam's mother Ruth Chivers heard about the attack more than three hours after it took place.

She criticised the school for failing to let her know earlier in the afternoon.

Mrs Chivers was so incensed by what happened to Liam she contacted Sussex Police.

They have confirmed they are investigating an alleged assault against a 13-year-old at the Portslade school.

She said: "The school investigated all afternoon and decided that the two boys should be excluded for three days.

"I think that is unacceptable. It is pathetic.

"The way it was handled was terrible. They had wrapped it all up before they even phoned me to tell me at work.

"I might take Liam out of the school - it depends on the outcome."

Staff confirmed two students were suspected of the attack.

Staff were preparing to interview the teenagers with their parents.

Mike Taite, Portslade Community College headteacher, said: "We are taking the strongest possible action to ensure there is no repetition of this.

"Conflict of any sort is always unacceptable and we will be doing everything we can to stamp it out."