The glitzy "feast of Belshazzar" Karis intends to throw at Brighton's Jubilee Library tonight to celebrate its anticipated "victory" at today's vote on the King Alfred scheme will no doubt be a vulgar and disgusting, slap-in-theface to the people of Hove.

Victory for whom? The residents of Hove, who will have to live with this gargantuan monstrosity? Or, more likely, move away from it, rather than live in its immense shadow, along with all the environmental nightmares it will cause.

Why has Karis organised Monday evening's gala bash before knowing the outcome of the vote? Does it perhaps know something the people and the council don't?

Monday night's extravaganza will be yet another flashy example of our council leadership's love affair with developers and its total contempt for the people who pay taxes - their salaries.

-Samantha Wilson, Hove