At long last, the silent majority is being heard in support of the King Alfred development.

This magical development can only brighten up what is a dark and uninviting area. These proposals will inject vitality and regeneration. The present building is depressing and the interior an embarrassment in a modern, thriving city.

I find it disappointing opponents to the scheme pay so little regard to children who don't have a voice but stand to gain most. It is not fair to deny them much-needed swimming facilities.

It could be part of their future. We should remember that everything old was once new. We would not have the Royal Pavilion had it been left to the negative element in society to decide whether to build it. Nor would we have the excellent development between the piers.

The sad old King Alfred could be replaced with high-quality modern architecture which would be a true reflection of our age.

It would be nothing short of a tragedy if this exciting innovative scheme does not go ahead.

-Audrey Simpson, Brighton