Congratulations to The Dome for bringing Jerry Springer The Opera to Brighton.

I saw it during its run at the Cambridge Theatre in London and can say it was one of the funniest and most wonderful pieces of work I have seen on the stage.

Those who rattle on endlessly about the amount of swearing and supposed blasphemy seem to be missing the point.

In fact, I suspect many who protest the loudest haven't seen it at all and have made up their minds based purely on second-hand and somewhat biased reports.

Yes, there are profanities by the bucket load - but how exactly would you put on a musical about Jerry Springer without them?

I for one can actually cope with the odd F word without having a seizure.

And, yes, Jesus, Mary, God and Satan do have starring roles - but even the courts threw out a blasphemy case on the grounds there was no case to answer.

But to focus on a swear word here or what Jesus says there is to take the show utterly out of context.

The overriding message of Jerry Springer The Opera is one of tolerance and compassion for your fellow man and God and Jesus actually come out of it quite well.

Sure, if you blush at blue words, don't get your knickers in a twist by going to see it. And maybe you shouldn't bring the kids.

But if we don't support shows like this, shows which push the boundaries, what will we be left with - endless touring shows based on Seventies rock groups?

Jerry Springer The Opera is a funny show with great songs and quite a moral message.

Go and see it, you might be surprised.

-James Canon, Brighton