Like most comics the world over, Ross Noble went to Scotland this summer. But unlike the rest of them, he didn't go anywhere near Edinburgh.

Instead he toured the Highlands with his new show Randomist, travelling as far afield as Oban, Skye and Orkney, boldly going where few comics can be bothered to go without a TV crew.

"I'm delighted to be back and doing twice as many dates as last year," says the quirky Geordie comic, who comes from the Northumbrian town of Cramlington, famous for its paracetamol factory.

We had an absolute ball in most of the smaller venues with some of our best shows and most enthusiastic audiences."

Noble has become known as an exciting and original performer and has received huge critical acclaim. His distinctive stand up routine often turns into an improvised and surreal performance based on informal conversation with the audience.

As endearingly woolly as his mop of hair, what marks his shows out is his almost unnerving ability to switch from subject to subject like a TV channel hopper on speed. Hence the name of this new show.

As with all his work, Randomist will change shape beyond recognition as the tour progresses. "It's new material but it changes so much that by the time it gets to Brighton, it will have changed again."

Noble is a former Perrier Award nominee and a Time Out award winner.

Starts at 8pm. Tickets cost £17 or £15, call 01273 709709.