Due to my diabetic condition, I have to make regular nocturnal visits to the bathroom. The consequence of this is that my body is still semi-comatose but my brain is wide awake and asking weird and wonderful questions:

1, Where is the most lonely place on this planet?

2, Why do councillors think they are important?

3, Why do those who think the tin can towers are great live nowhere near the proposed site?

4, Why should I vote New Labour when I really want Old Labour?

5, What makes the Tory Party think it will ever be electable again?

6, Why has the most democratic planning application the city has ever known not been built.

7, Why, if all religions say killing fellow humans is a sin, is it still happening ?

8, What is a Thundermentalist?

9, Who said "Martyrdom is a good idea"?

10, Do the bus companies pay for the exclusive use of the road surface known as bus lanes and, if not, why not?

11, Come election time, why do politicians think voters have no memory of the number of times they went against the wishes of the electorate?

12, Is saying "nonsense" a terrorist act?

13, Why can't the elderly afford council tax?

I now know the answer to my first question - my bed at 3am.

-John Allam, Brighton