Upon reading your sensational headline regarding Osvaldo Ardiles and Diego Maradona being interested in investing in the Albion (The Argus, October 4), I feel it is necessary that, should John Prescott say "no" to Falmer, which I hope is unlikely, Brighton and Hove City Council should pull out all the stops

to develop another area for our community stadium.

Forget about throwing money on visitors and organised groups who come down for the weekend, leave a load of mess, moan they can't park anywhere and then clog up the streets for hours upon end.

All resources should be put towards our very own jewel, Brighton and Hove Albion, who are the best advertisement the twin city has.

That said, I expect Prescott will say go ahead with Falmer and the Albion will again be prominent in the nation's football community.

-Tim Hodges, Brighton