Few performers can match Bill Bailey when it comes to depicting a lovable self-depreciating English eccentricity.

Everything about Bill, from his appearance to his material, is a little bizarre but the rapturous applause his flights of fancy drew at The Dome showed the audience was with him.

The show is a little patchy with a few rambling anecdotes that could would have been better of shortened but has moments of brilliance on a par with Eddie Izzard.

Bill's fascination with animals generates the funniest moments, with jokes about vicious otters, limping spiders and heavily disguised foxes trying to blag their way into a battery chicken factory generating belly laughs.

He also tells some excellent jokes about inventing new extreme sports, including lunging at the pope and grabbing hold of The Queen while tied to a horizontal bungee rope.

The act includes Bill playing guitars and synthesisers and in the second half of the show he uses a screen above his head with photographs, videos and swirling psychedelic acid house images.

The show finishes with a sketch Bill has been performing for a few years now about television news theme tunes, which is worth seeing him perform live for the full effect.

He compares the gently reassuring CBS News theme tune to the BBC News theme tune, which is given a remix to become a techno anthem that could keep clubbers in Ibiza bopping away.