In response to recent letters about the fate of the three historic Thirties bus shelters on the Old Steine in Brighton, I am pleased to report work is progressing on their renovation.

Plans have been drawn up to refurbish the roofs and windows, install new lighting, new seating and redecoration. Special attention has been paid to help reduce the possibility of vandalism and CCTV might be installed.

Highways work to improve bus accessibility and prevent damage to the shelter by vehicles has already been completed. The area has also been completely repaved.

The Grade II-listed shelters may need Listed Building Consent from English Heritage before works can proceed further.

Assuming this is granted, restoration can begin in January with completion by March.

In the meantime, the shelters are being monitored and CityClean is carrying out graffiti removal.

-Councillor Gill Mitchell, chairwoman, environment committee, Brighton and Hove City Council