Doubtless many readers will have received a copy of the glossy newsletter announcing a public exhibition of the King Alfred project.

It says the developer, Karis Holdings, has consulted hundreds of groups and organisations across Brighton and Hove and the plans have been developed through consultation and feedback.

To date, I have found no one who likes the scheme as proposed and it would be interesting to know the identities of those involved in this consultation process and the nature of their input.

At a time when the city has been struggling to acquire a football ground and we are continuing to witness the demise of sport - with playing fields being sold off and opportunities to engage in competitive sport diminishing - Brighton and Hove City Council was given the chance to put its house in order by building a much-needed sports complex with adequate parking facilities.

So what do we get? Plans depicting structures undergoing their death throes following a terrorist attack which will remain a permanent eyesore.

-Neil Kelly, Hove