I read the letter from Reg Jenkins (October 5), concerning the redevelopment of Portland Gate some years ago, with absolute amazement.

He informs us that "three alternative plans were presented to the people, who were asked to decide which one best met their wishes, and this resulted in the present building which is well accepted by most."

I am assuming Mr Jenkins is a newcomer to Hove, otherwise he must remember that in March 2003 we were shown three widely differing proposals, which incidentally were on view first in Hove Town Hall and then at the King Alfred itself.

In October of the same year, in an architect's journal, the developers and Brighton and Hove City

Council admitted Gehry's scheme was not the public's favourite and it was, in fact, the least attractive to the public.

This was a shocking example of "consult the public and ignore".

-Councillor Averil Older, Grand Avenue