At the public meeting held at Patcham to discuss the proposed Park and Ride scheme, plans of the road layout were on display and it was clear that should this go ahead, it would affect many more people than those living in the Patcham area.

Apart from the ever-increasing cost of the scheme to council tax-payers, people living in the Coldean, Hollingbury and surrounding areas will soon find their roads being used as rat-runs to bypass the traffic hold-ups which will be caused by the new road layouts and roundabouts at the A23/A27 junctions.

This is not the people of Patcham being Nimbys. This problem is going to have a much wider effect on many more citizens over a larger area.

Once in place, it will be too late to object to a scheme which is in the wrong place for the wrong reasons.

-Mr WH Wood, Patcham