Crisps and snacks have been replaced with fruit and wholemeal toast at a city school.

Children at Downs Park School in Foredown Road, Portslade, have been making healthy snacks to sell to children at the tuck shop.

Deputy headteacher Hazel Grice said the snacks were popular among pupils and the lack of sugar and additives was improving behaviour among the children, who have special needs.

She said: "We just started the healthy tuck shop as an enterprise project for 15 and 16-year-old students.

"They have been making fruit kebabs and wholemeal toast and we plan to expand into flapjacks and fruit smoothies.

"So far the toast has been very popular but the fruit kebabs are not selling so quickly."

The tuck shop makes a small profit, which the students will be able to keep and spend on treats for themselves.

Mrs Grice said: "They wanted to run a tuck shop and it was their idea to only sell healthy food. Hopefully it will change the way people eat in the longer term."