I have had a lifelong association with Cycling clubs.

Tony Booker's criticisms of cyclists (Letters, October 10), were spot-on regarding those who merely use a bike as a means of getting around town but were unfair to the thousands of genuine cycling enthusiasts.

Most club cyclists are also car owners who need cars to transport their bikes and equipment to races. Therefore, they contribute towards road tax.

The majority of club cyclists observe the Highway Code, wear reflective clothing and crash helmets and use lights.

As for swearing, I genuinely do not know any club riders who do. Cycling is a family sport and swearing wouldn't be tolerated.

However, cycling clubs and their officials have no control over the undisciplined yobs who Mr Booker describes.

I see them everyday and they are a menace. They break the law but so do many car drivers.

-Brian Hutton, Worthing