Congratulations, football lovers of Brighton and Hove, you have a football stadium.

Now, Mr Chairman and club directors, let's have a team to be proud of. To be brutally honest, the current bunch of kids, loan players and has-beens will have done a fantastic job if they manage to stay out of the bottom three.

Mark McGhee is the Albion's best manager since Alan Mullery (the first time round) but somehow, the team has to be strengthened. We don't want to have the best ground in the Conference League.

As you can see from my address, I no longer live locally. There are, however, many of us living here, on the Spanish costas, who still care about our home team.

As an ex-player, I am chuffed to bits that, at last, the players and staff will have somewhere to call home.

And now, perhaps the Goldstone Ground may be able to rest in peace.

-Paul Hubbard, Alicante