Peter Winder of Lagoon Bait and Tackle has hit the news on two fronts. He won the Sussex Fly Dressers competition fished by 20 at Duncton with four trout totalling 23lb 10oz.

His best two rainbows were 10lb and 8lb 14oz. Ian Dunk was second with 17lb oz (best fish 8lb 14oz) and completing the frame was Bill Smith with a 9lb fish in his 15lb 10oz. Two browns came up with the best 2lb 1oz by Ray Love.

On the sea fishing front, Winder is reviving by popular request the Lagoon Lug League to be fished from Hove beach (7-11pm) on Tuesday November 1, 15, 29 and December 13. It will be catch and release to size limits and pegged with, of course, lug worm only as bait.

The league ran for ten years before taking a break but with beach anglers now keen for a revival, Winder has set it up. The entry fee to span the matches is £50 all-in paid before the first match commences. Ring Winder on 01273 415879 to enter.

Netting eight bream and some roach when using a feeder and red maggot, David Hughes won Haywards Heath's M and S Cup match on Balcombe Lake with an impressive 46lb 12oz.

Roland Smith had six bream (best 5lb 3oz) and roach using the same method, John Larouche 11lb 15oz of roach on waggler and maggot and Bob Standen 8lb 4oz of roach on pole and maggot. Winner of the Juniors' Cup was Ashley Hart with 2lb 14oz.

Hassocks (46lb 15oz) went to Copthorne's Rowfant Mill and beat the host club's 34lb 11oz. Paul Gibson (10lb 3oz of skimmers) and Dilly Williamson (5lb 14oz) were the top two for Hassocks and Copthorne's highest were Derek Walker with 7lb 12oz of skimmers and Paul Whitfield whose 6lb 3oz was mainly a nice tench.

The Iron Bridge stretch of the Wallers Haven was used for the third round of the Teams of Seven League won by Mick Hart (Isfield A) with two tench and bits for 12lb 8oz. Percy Walter (Percy's Tackle) had a 4lb tench and bits for 11lb 12oz, Bob Thorpe (Sid's) 8lb 2oz and Steve Davey (Falkenvil) 7lb 2oz.

Isfield A (38 points) were top team from Percy's 32, Falkenvil 29, Stigmat and Sid's each 28, Isfield B 17 and Horsted Keynes 16. Overall: Isfield A 111, Percy's 92, Sid's 83, Falkenvil 72; Isfield B and Horsted Keynes each 71; Stigmat 61.