Brighton and Hove Albion toasted their most momentous ever win yesterday - the result that secured their future in a new stadium.

The champagne flowed as Albion chairman Dick Knight, chief executive Martin Perry, Falmer for All chairman Paul Samrah and celebrity DJ Norman Cook celebrated with crowds of jubilant fans.

And that was just the start of the celebrations.

Today, Albion's temporary home at Withdean will be turned into a carnival of dreams as the club leads a party to rejoice with supporters.

Norman Cook, alias Fatboy Slim, is hatching a plan with club bosses to mark the joyous occasion ahead of this afternoon's match.

Fans will find out what form that will take today - but it's sure to be a momentous event.

Thousands of supporters, many of them in tears, congratulated each other on their success yesterday. Clubs and bars across Sussex were packed with people last night who raised their glasses to the Albion.

Albion bosses sparked the emotional scenes yesterday when they announced to the waiting world that the club's prayers had been answered - Deputy Prime Minister had said "Yes" to plans for a 22,000-seat stadium at Falmer.

Mr Knight hailed Mr Prescott's announcement as "Quite simply the greatest piece of news that Brighton and Hove has had for many a year."

There were hugs, cheers and tears of joy as key individuals in the fight for Falmer met to celebrate the news at a Press conference organised by the club at Donatello Restaurant in Brighton yesterday afternoon.

Loyal supporters, coaching staff, administrative staff, lawyers and politicians including Lord Bassam, Hove MP Celia Barlow and Brighton and Hove City Council leader Ken Bodfish gathered to share the moment.

Norman Cook, alias DJ Fatboy Slim, arrived before his track Right Here, Right Now was played at loud volume - sending fans into a frenzy of excitement.

Fans all over Brighton and Hove and Sussex grabbed copies of a special edition of The Argus.

Many wanted a copy as a souvenir of history in the making - the day Albion's long-held dream of a new home became a reality.

Many first discovered the news from The Argus - scores of people were spotted reading the special edition.

Even Brighton and Hove's refuse collectors and street sweepers were spotted taking a quick break to read up on the amazing events of the day.