Falmer stadium - another blot on the landscape - but what can you expect from this or any other recent Government?

It seems if it is green, it can be built on, especially if it lies east of Brighton.

Isn't it good that those who live in the city have such good MPs, whose constituencies overlap the odd nearby town? All they care about are the voters of the city and they just give lip service to those outside it.

Fortunately, those who live in the city will not have to put up with extra traffic congestion on match days or live with an eyesore.

But wait, you lucky Brighton and Hove residents, soon all your waste water will come to Peacehaven. And just like Falmer, we are too small to be noticed. Anyway, it will be on a greenfield site, so who cares?

And then Peacehaven will get extra housing. We are so lucky.

Perhaps those who support the Falmer stadium can think of something else to be pushed east. After all, we mustn't build in Brighton and Hove because it is a city and it's important to preserve its character. Falmer and Peacehaven are only in the countryside.

-Stanley Bernard, Peacehaven