I would like to say what a wonderful job Linda Turvey at Hen Heaven in Henfield is doing, looking after hens recovered from the horror of the battery farms. Full marks to her.

I have visited one of these hell-on-earth places and can tell you the appalling cruelty that goes on is beyond belief.

When I first went into one of these massive barns (ironically surrounded by acres of green fields) I was overwhelmed by the noise, stench and unbreathable air.

I have never witnessed such mass-scale misery.

The hens' only release is when they are finally yanked out after two years.

What can you do about it? Forget letters to MPs, protest marches, etc. Simply only buy free range - whether it be eggs, chickens or turkeys.

I know the cost is more but that is because they have been properly cared for and they are tastier and healthier.

-Elizabeth Long, Newhaven