The departure of John Radford, together with his colleagues Bill Buckland, Dominic Busby and Ed Douglas, from BBC Southern Counties Radio (SCR) will cause dismay to their supporters across the region.

SCR's managing editor, Mr Pringle, must answer to why the audience figures have dropped and what he proposes to do about it.

An answer I am sure would be popular and effective, would be to retain the presenters and offer Mr Pringle's immediate resignation, as the audience drop seems to have coincided with the period since he took up his appoinment and started meddling with SCR's format.

I note he used the imperfect tense to say: "John was a lovely man and a very professional broadcaster".

I suggest he should have used the present tense but then he would have had to explain the tense when he said: "the decision was not personal".

-Brian Beck, Lewes