Stephen Walker is mistaken about some of his fungal facts (Letters, January 6).

In fact, the "hedgehog fungus" is the common name, as he correctly says, but for Hydnum repandum - a completely different type of ground-dwelling fungi.

Whereas, the most common UK name for the similar Hericium erinaceum, is indeed what Pru Gridley found, and is called the "tree hedgehog fungus".

However, roughly translated from the French common name for this fungi, it could also be called "lion's mane".

It's these many, varied and confusing common names which are completely avoided by the experts for exactly this reason - to halt confusion.

Well done to nature warden Pru Gridley for bringing this beautiful and rare fungus to general attention so many more of us can enjoy such stunningly wonderful sights of the natural world.

Keep up the good work, Pru.

-Paul RA West, Seaford