I have never been moved to write to this or any other newspaper with my opinion but have made this a first after reading the unfair, selfish complaints over Little Dippers classes in Tongdean Road (Letters, January 30).

Wilfred Wong and his coprotesters have taken nimbyism to a new level with allegations of traffic congestion in his street, which is at least as wide as many residential streets in Brighton.

The actual number of cars parked in the vicinity of the property concerned is usually nearer half a dozen than the 14 claimed and they do not stop across, or close to, the enormous driveways most houses there enjoy.

Contrary to claims, the location is highly suitable a quiet road, with low-level through traffic and wide house frontages set back from the road.

Residents are caused minimal disruption by a small number of cars parking in the road for a few hours in the middle of the day when many are out at work anyway.

And just for the record I have no personal interest in the Little Dippers business, nor is my baby's swimming lesson at stake.

I am simply disappointed at the mean-spiritedness of those complaining and incredulous at their claims which, as I am feeling generous, I shall call "misleading".

-Emma Sayers, Brighton