Cat detective Ron Ayres has taken on the challenge of finding the lost moggy of Preston Manor.

Kitty was last seen at the estate in Preston Park, Brighton, on New Year's Eve. The tabby and white cat shot to fame when an animal charity took her away from her manor home in February last year claiming she was a stray.

There was a public outcry and Kitty was returned to her grand manor home where she spends her time sleeping in the shed or hanging out with gardener George Harris.

She also has a permanent home with manor caretaker Hannah Schafer. It is feared Kitty was frightened off by fireworks on New Year's Eve.

Posters appealing for information about her whereabouts have been put up in the park area and a reward is being offered.

Mr Ayres, who runs the cat lost and found register covering the Brighton and Hove area, is adding Kitty to his web site in the hope she will be traced. The web site can be accessed by visiting