Neighbours of a woman killed at a notorious accident blackspot have paid tribute to their friend and added their voices to those demanding improved safety.

Wendy Seabrook, 50, from Beach Green, Shoreham, was killed as she crossed the A259 Brighton Road last week.

It happened just days after another woman, 30-year-old Michelle Dever, was killed by a hit-and-run driver about 400 metres west on the same road.

Christine Murphy, a friend and neighbour of Mrs Seabrook, said: "She was a lovely person and we will all miss her to bits.

"I, like most of the others around here, just want to see that road made safer. Something has to be done."

Saphie Smith, another neighbour, said: "I just want to know why it takes the death of a lovely lady like this before the authorities even consider changing the road. It has been dangerous for a long time and, although I hate to say it, unless something is done there will be probably be more people hurt or killed."

Regulars at the Royal Coach pub on Brighton Road, which is just yards from the spot where Mrs Seabrook was killed, also paid tribute to her.

Arthur James, 40, from Beach Green, said: "I never knew Wendy at all but she was one of us, a Shoreham woman, and it's always sad when someone local dies."

Jeremy Clivedon, 67, also from Beach Green, said: "All our sympathies are with the families involved.

"It's bad enough having one crash on this road but two in such a short space of time just goes to show it is a terrible road with a terrible track record."

Figures show from January 2003 until December 2005 there have been 41 accidents on the A259 Brighton Road resulting in 54 casualties. Seven of those casualties are described as "serious".

Neighbour of Mrs Seabrook, Sean Lock, 36, said: "Clearly something must be done to stop the amount of accidents."

Most residents on the Brighton Road say they want a lower speed limit, more crossings and speed cameras.

Mrs Seabrook and Miss Dever were both killed while crossing the road, which is dual carriageway, at night.

West Sussex County Council has said it is waiting for police reports before considering any traffic calming or safety measures. Police have confirmed they are treating the death of Mrs Seabrook as an accident.

A 35 year-old male driving a silver VW Golf has not been questioned by Sussex Police.