A business support organisation is offering companies free utility bill audits to help them cope with spiralling energy costs.

Sussex Enterprise's new Chamber Energy service helps members find the cheapest and best-suited utility provider for their business.

When a company registers they are given an energy bill audit.

This will find out if the business is paying the cheapest rates possible, if they are on the right tariff, if there are any overpayments they can recover and if there are any errors on their bill.

The termination of existing contracts is dealt with through the service.

Members' energy payments are reviewed on a regular basis. Sussex Enterprise claims firms using the service have saved 20 per cent on their energy bills.

Damian Ford, membership manager at Sussex Enterprise, said: "The current climate has led to uncertainties in the utilities markets, with major providers, such as British Gas, adding 22 per cent to their gas prices due to a 70 per cent rise in wholesale gas prices over the past 12 months, which continues to be volatile."

He said: "The Chamber Energy scheme not only saves businesses money from their energy costs, but also saves time as managers need not worry about shopping around for the best deal themselves."

He added: "Prices will probably continue to rise in the near future so it is essential that businesses seek out and find the most competitive rates on offer.

"The point of Chamber Energy is that we can do this for them, for free."

For further information about the Chamber Energy call the Business Intelligence Team on 0845 67 888 67 or email membership.team@sussexenterprise.co.uk .

Thursday, March 2, 2006