Last week, the winter blues in Brighton were banished with a sizzling production of Anything Goes. Now it is the turn of Eastbourne's residents to be cheered up with an equally heartwarming show.

Realising he and his six brothers need a woman's touch around their backwoods home, Adam goes in to town to get himself a bride. He weds Milly and brings her back to the farm, where she is expected to housekeep for the entire household.

Naturally, friction arises through Adam's pig-headedness and Milly's determination to civilise the men folk. Added to this is the kidnapping of young ladies from the town, who the brothers wish to make brides.

Along with the film's familiar songs, there are several newly-written ones. The best of these being the lullaby Glad That You Were Born and We Gotta Make It Through The Winter - a number first presented by the men with a forceful delivery and then reprised as a gentle ballad by the girls.

The show is full of colour and breathtaking dance routines, with a talented cast led by the ever-reliable Dave Willetts and Shona Lindsay, who is as impressive as she was when last at the Congress in Jekyll & Hyde.

On until Saturday, call 01323 412000