Being suspicious of tags such as "psychedelic", which I'd always thought to mean "silly music for boys", I was surprised to find myself highly rating solo material from the frontman of eclectic pop icons, Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

Beginning with what can only be described as the most trance-inducing, sacred music I have ever heard, Childs' hypnotically rich, low vocals blended beautifully with subtle military drums and soft, yet pronounced, bass notes.

Oddly, a succession of upbeat tracks followed, performed in Childs' native tongue, which, given the Danish-sounding quality of the Welsh language, could have taken pride of place at the end of saucy Channel 4 programme Eurotrash.

Yet, at the same time, I couldn't fail to be impressed by the sheer catchiness and quality of song-writing craftsmanship in these comic creations.

Instead, his debut solo album, Chops, should be hailed as a must-buy and the chap himself as nothing less than a genius.