My presence at The Wonder Stuff gig on Saturday was driven by nostalgia and I wasn't the only one.

However, while 30-something graduates yearning to bounce around on imaginary pogo sticks to Dizzy might have made up the majority of the audience, it seems the band has recruited some new, younger fans capable of the acrobatics demanded by the blend of indie, pop and dance.

The band, who reunited two years ago, have just embarked on a 13-date tour of the UK to coincide with the release of their new album Suspended By Stars. Their new sound is more guitar-based indie.

Frontman Miles Hunt dangled Dizzy and Welcome To The Cheap Seats teasingly in front of us but it wasn't to be.

Apparently, two broken fingers were to blame.

Still, 20 years on and with 120 tracks under their belt, who can blame them for wanting to move on?