A Sussex MP has urged caution over the siting of mobile phone masts near schools.

Celia Barlow, Labour MP for Hove and Portslade, called for more research to fill the gaps in knowledge about the health effects of exposure to masts.

Ms Barlow, speaking in the House of Commons during the second reading of the Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill, said the public was confused about the Government's approach to mobile phone technology.

She said: "A consensus exists among the scientific community that mobile phone emissions pose no direct health risk to users of phones or those situated near masts.

"But based upon the recommendations of the Stuart Report, masts are no longer situated near to schools.

"This begs a question - if the Government believes the Stewart Report evidence that phone masts pose no threat to public health, why recommend such a measure?"

Ms Barlow urged the Government and mobile phone industry to "err on the side of caution" with the installation of 3G telephone masts, especially where children are involved.

She said: "We already know our children are more susceptible than adults to the effects of mobile phone emissions.

"It is therefore reasonable that we take a more considered approach with the further installation of the new generation of more powerful 3G telephone masts.

"Constituents' concerns on these issues are real and deepfelt and cause genuine distress to all those affected.

"It is our obligation as legislators to take into consideration their worries."

In 2002 the Government, in conjunction with the mobile phone industry, pledged £7.4 million to look at the issue of the safety of mobile phones.

Ministers are also committed to reviewing current planning procedure for mobile phone masts.