A stolen coffee stall has been recovered after a call from a sharp-eyed witness.

The anonymous crime fighter spotted the cart being hidden behind wooden pallets.

Richard Lattimer and his partner Kiya Salim, 36, who have served espressos, cappuccinos and lattes to commuters outside Hove station since October, were overjoyed with the news - but they were less than pleased with the police.

Mr Lattimer said the witness, who did not wish to be identified, said he spotted the cart in Hove Street on Thursday, the day after it was taken from outside the owners' home in Kings Gardens, Hove.

"He said he called the police at 2pm and told them he could identify the people with it. But he said no officers came out.

The man contacted me Friday morning after spotting a leaflet I had circulated appealing for help.

"I want to say a huge thank you to the caller - the cart is our livelihood and I can't thank him enough - but I'm fuming about the police.

"With the information given to them by the witness this would appear to be the simplest crime for them to solve.

"But I've had to recover the cart myself and by now the thieves could have covered their tracks."

Mr Lattimer said he recorded on his mobile phone a conversation with one officer who confirmed the anonymous witness had called but police said they had no record of it.

A Sussex Police spokeswoman said: "If Mr Lattimer wishes to complain then we will be happy to investigate."

Thirsty customers at the railway station, meanwhile, may have to wait a little longer before the cart is up and running again.

Mr Lattimer said: "The thieves still have our generator."

Monday, March 6, 2006