Fine actresses and British comedy heroines they may be, but Dawn French and Kathy Burke have rarely made audiences cry tears of anything other than laughter.

Nor would you normally associate either figure with the title Smaller, the name of their exciting new collaboration.

The moving tale of a devoted daughter struggling to cope with caring for her disabled mother also stars Alison Moyet, enticed by the persuasions of close friend French to make her stage debut.

"We've talked about working together for a long time," reflects French. "We think this is the right time in our lives to be doing this we're ready to be serious."

True to her word, the comic's powerfully evocative performances have twanged audience heartstrings, while the texture provided by Moyet's singing has already seen calls for the former Yazoo singer to further her fledgling theatrical career.

"It is odd to be doing something I have next to no experience in," Moyet nervously admitted to fans on her website, having written three new songs for the piece. "I am grateful to be surrounded by strong, brilliant women who are teaching me so generously."

French asked Coronation Street writer Carmel Morgan to devise the script following a text message from Burke. "She was really lovely and said she'd like to do a play with Alison," recalls Morgan, who had few problems casting the pair as estranged siblings.

"We've known each other for such a long time that we've been through a lot of things together," says French of the partnership.

"We've sought each other's counsel on many occasions, so it's as if we are sisters anyway."

Under the thoughtful direction of Burke, all three creative souls have flourished in adapting to the demands of the stage.

"Kathy runs a really happy ship, there's a really friendly atmosphere when you go in to rehearsals," says Morgan. "During the first meeting we had at Kathy's house her dog Shenanigan was sitting right on top of Alison's head and shoulders, while Kathy was just in this fug of smoke. But writing it was really bloody hard.