Trefor Hunter's comments about the future of the Royal Alexandra Hospital site (Letters, February 28) are very much to the point.

The instigators of the Clifton Montpelier Powis Community Alliance (CMPCA) have been engaging with the conservation and planning departments and Brighton and Sussex University Hospital Trust (BSUHT) since the Royal Alexandra's move to the new site at the Royal Sussex County Hospital was first announced in early 2004.

The CMPCA was set up in part to try to ensure local residents were given a say in the future of this landmark city centre site, which has been discussed regularly at our meetings since last September.

Late last year, we arranged for Rob Fraser (head of Planning Strategy, Brighton and Hove City Council) and Lee Soden (director of Facilities and Capital Development, BSUHT) to address the public meeting on February 20.

As Mr Hunter says, time is indeed very short and has just got shorter. We have learnt since February 20 that the car park site is to be marketed in four weeks time and the main site may follow a month later.

All eyes are now on the planning department and their revised planning advice note, which will be critical in shaping developers' plans.

Many local residents would like to see the main building preserved, along with the trees and green area in front.

One suggestion put forward is that the primary care trust use this unique opportunity to use part of the site to provide improved primary care facilities in association with local GPs' practices, to continue (in part) the historic health and community-based uses of this site over the past 125 years.

Last July, the CMPCA made a comprehensive case to English Heritage to recommend listing the main building.

Although it did not meet their strict criteria for recommending listing of post-1840s buildings, their adviser acknowledged that "...the building has clear interest in its local setting and makes a strong contribution to the Conservation Area".

We are delighted to see interested parties pulling together to achieve the best outcome for the area and we hope planners and developers can ensure a positive outcome.

-Corinne Attwood, acting chair, Philippa Sankey acting secretary, CMPCA, Brighton