In response to the claim that because I have spoken out against 4x4s I am jealous - is the reason behind the authorities in other European cities penalising the drivers of such vehicles that they are jealous?

These vehicles are, as the reader rightly states, subject to stringent emission tests but a significant part of the problem is that these vehicles are not fuel efficient.

Does it not occur to their drivers that we can no longer continue on this path of greedy consumption?

Are they so oblivious to climate change they even allow themselves to be seen in these machines?

The writer also states how 4x4s are much easier to get into because they are higher up. This just goes to show how inconsiderate they are towards the collective and how they are only concerned with their personal comfort and safety.

Sadly, until our Government has the courage to challenge this issue, we will just have to continue to look on in dismay and disbelief as vehicles which belong on farms and in deserts and jungles plough through our cities and suburbs.

-Nicola Gibson, Brighton