Taxi drivers are queuing up to enter a competition to find the best cabbie in Brighton and Hove.

At the front of the line, Tyrone Beane is preparing to pit his skills against colleagues on an obstacle course offering more than £3,000 in prize money to the winners.

The Taxi Driver Of The Year contest is on Sunday, March 26, but Tyrone is already adept at weaving through the streets of Brighton while entertaining passengers.

Cheerily steering his Hackney carriage through Hollingbury, he said: "I do seven days a week but I really, really enjoy it. In fact I probably enjoy it more now than I did when I started 36 years ago.

"Having this driver of the year award is, I think, a brilliant idea. It's a great way to get a lot of the guys together because its not easy for us to meet up.

"There's no reason why we can't make it an annual, even a national thing. I think that would be absolutely brilliant."

Proud of both the city and his profession, Tyrone, 59, began working for Radio Cabs in 1970.

He used to play for Brighton Boys Football team and was due to have a trial for the Seagulls before a broken leg ended his sports career.

Not only has he since helped three pregnant women deliver their babies but he's had Swedish pop group Abba in the back of his cab.

Tyrone, of Ambleside Avenue, Telscombe Cliffs, said:

"Without a doubt Brighton has one of the best taxi services in Britain. It's regulated so people know they're safe and the cars are checked every year in tests that make the MOT look like a picnic.

"And Brighton is a great city for taxis. I've met so many friends here over the years. I can drop into any restaurant or bar and I know people. Some of them I've been driving around since I started.

"There's always competition between the main three firms but we're a big family, that's how I look at it. They're a great bunch."

Tyrone drives around the city he loves every day before returning to wife Yvonne. He has a daughter, Samantha, and two grandchildren.

He has recently helped organise a boxing club at Seahaven Amateur Boxing Club in Newhaven.

He said: "All the youth clubs and cafe bars aren't around anymore so its brilliant for the kids.

Our aim is to get them off the streets and out of trouble.

"But if I'm not there I'm at the gym and I still have a few hours in the afternoon to see the wife.

"Sometimes she thinks I'm a stranger but I think she enjoys not having me around all the time, to be honest.

"We've been together more than 38 years and Sunday's always family day. Sometimes that's harder than the job!"

Raising money for The Argus Appeal, the Taxi Driver Of The Year competition will take place in Madeira Drive, Brighton.

Details are at