I was bemused by the 4x4 driver who considered people complaining about these vehicles to be jealous.

A lady driver, after much thought I recently bought my first brand-new car ever and I love it.

I could have bought a 4x4 for the same money and my new car could pass any of them if I so wished.

No, mine and, I think, most other drivers' objections to 4x4 drivers and, I would add, people carriers, is the almost total lack of consideration for other road users.

I do not believe I have ever seen anyone driving one of these vehicles, give way to another vehicle, even when it was not their right of way.

They bully their way through traffic lanes because they know their vehicles will damage other cars and not vice versa.

In addition to this, the average parking space in marked-out car parks is totally inadequate for the width and length of these vehicles and when the families pile out of them, heaven help the doors and sides of any vehicles unlucky enough to be parked alongside.

I am not surprised your correspondent suggests 4x4s are involved in fewer accidents. Most other drivers give them a wide berth.

-Mrs E Young, Patcham, Brighton