In seeking to justify the waste of space and minimal display of books in Brighton's Jubilee Library (Letters, March 16) Nigel Imi reveals what is wrong with this otherwise fine building.

It is evidently run by people who appear to be able to express themselves only in the jargon of marketing and spin-doctoring and who believe the idea of a public lending library has just been invented by Brighton and Hove City Council.

Mr Imi writes: "We feel the internal spaces created give it a 'wow' factor which celebrates books and reading." Wow! What can that mean? And there are the usual buzz words and phrases "concepts to create a landmark building" and "a user-friendly environment which would be attractive to existing and new customers."

He also says the idea was to borrow ideas used in bookshops.

If those responsible for this travesty of a library were to study the layout of any successful modern bookshop, such as Borders or Waterstones, they would find an idea well worth borrowing. They are crammed with books.

-Edward Goring, Ovingdean