To the person who took my purse from my bag: Did you really need the money it contained? There was also my bus pass and return ticket to Seaford.

I seldom get into Eastbourne but a good friend had suggested lunch and I enjoy the shops.

While in the Heart Foundation shop, as I went to pay for my purchase I discovered the loss of my purse. I cannot afford new clothes but, with care, manage to look presentable. I am a pensioner, on income support and disabled.

My friend gave up the money for the purchase.

I have cancelled my cards but have had to renew my bus pass. This will take time, as will replacing the monies lost.

I hope your need was worth the crime. I was a nurse from the age of 15, until poor health forced my retirement. I am now 60.

As they say: "Have a nice day".

I most certainly did not and had been so looking forward to it.

-Mai Ashton