Peter Jones, the leader of East Sussex County Council and chairman of Sussex Police Authority, is not alone when he expresses concern about the cost of merging our police force with Surrey (The Argus, March 21) - Downing Street's own strategy unit has warned mergers would be expensive and disruptive, so contradicting the Home Secretary's claim that benefits will outweigh the costs.

Like Peter Jones, West Sussex County Council (WSCC) also finds it totally unacceptable that our residents could face as much as a 20 per cent hike in police authority charges.

As WSCC received a disastrous annual settlement from the Government this year, we would expect to see it funding such an increase.

However, it is not only the question of cost that is causing us concern.

We will also seek reassurance regarding two other key issues: Neighbourhood policing: Sussex Police has been increasingly moving towards neighbourhood policing, a major means of increasing public reassurance.

We want to ensure neighbourhood teams remain so they really get to know their community and their community gets to know them.

Local representation: Communities covered by the merged force must be properly represented.

Accountability must be enhanced, not complicated.

If the merger is a done deal, we would call for a single local policing board for West Sussex as it would be better placed to set local policing priorities in consultation with partners and communities.

-Lionel Barnard, Cabinet member for Public Protection, West Sussex County Council