A trader is complaining double yellow lines will put customers off visiting his store.

Simon Studd, sales and technical manager of City Wood Floors in New England Street, Brighton, said customers would be too worried about getting ticketed to park outside.

Brighton and Hove City Council is painting the lines so three lanes of traffic can use the road.

Mr Studd said: "I'm livid. They said they pre-warned us months ago with notices up on lamp-posts but I don't remember seeing anything.

"The council said customers can park on the lines to load up but in Brighton that's just not true because the traffic wardens will ticket them."

The lines have been painted to replace markings removed when work started on the Brighton Station development site.

Other traders along New England Street said they did not have a problem with the lines as they had their own parking spaces.

A council spokesman said: "With more traffic movements due to the station site redevelopment, we need three lanes to carry traffic so some voucher parking had to go.

"The shop does have a number of parking spaces of its own if they weren't used for free staff parking."

Friday, March 31, 2006