Four out of five alcohol outlets sold drink to underage teenagers, according to a survey.

The test purchases in Bexhill bucked the trend in other parts of Sussex.

Similar tests in the Worthing and Brighton and Hove areas showed the vast majority of pubs and offlicences had stopped selling to minors.

Police, Trading Standards and the Safer Rother Partnership officers said they were disappointed with the Bexhill results.

A police spokeswoman said: "We have worked hard over the last few months to try to reduce the amount of alcohol young people obtain.

"There is a direct link beteen antisocial behaviour and low-level crime and youth drinking."

Inspector Dick Coates, of the neighbourhood police team, said he was "shocked" at the failure rate.

He said: "My officers have over the last few months made numerous visits to licensed premises and given them advice and support.

"We are working really hard to prevent youth crime but we need the licensees to work with us and not sell alcohol to minors."

Brian Johnson, head of Trading Standards, said: "We too are disappointed. "Retailers and their employees must ensure that if they doubt the purchaser's age, they should be asking for Pass (Proof of Age Standards Scheme cards) or other ID."