I would like to welcome Tony Mernaugh's admission that the Brighton and Hove Business Forum was wrong to use its highly inaccurate statistics on park-andride and that it won't be using them again (The Argus, March 23).

I accept his word that there was no intention to deceive and that the error was due to an oversight.

However, I was troubled to read that Tony is in the process of producing some new statistics about park-and-ride.

I just hope he does not fall into the same trap as before and cause the Brighton and Hove Business Forum further embarrassment.

People's transport behaviour is a complex issue and grabbing simple statistics relating to only one aspect of park-and-ride is not a good way of assessing its true impact.

Another unfortunate oversight is that he appears not to have informed Sussex Enterprise, with whom he works closely, that these statistics should not be used any more.

I'm sure if Sussex Enterprise were aware of this they would want to remove these misleading statistics from their website immediately to avoid any further red faces.

-Chris Todd, Brighton and Hove and mid-Sussex Friends of the Earth