RG Jenkins writes of the agenda Tony Blair has set for future governments in terms of future social and economic standards (Letters, April 15).

As a 55-year-old who grew up during the Sixties and Seventies, I would like to congratulate him on both his eloquence and his insight.

In recent times, I have been saddened and worried to sense a momentum - particularly in the media and including many others from the politically traditional left (which now includes far more of the economically well-off) - which seeks a fundamental change in prevailing political government and philosophy.

To hear that almost a quarter of the public might consider voting BNP in the coming local elections fills me with dread.

I appeal to any free-thinking individuals who may be in danger of being entranced by the current obsession for accelerating novelty and change at the expense of all else, to calmly reflect on the lessons of 20th-Century political history and count the blessings of what the much-maligned Tony Blair and New Labour have engineered for us.

-Roger H Browne, Hove