Recent news stories have dramatically highlighted the terrible state the environment is in. We have heard the planet will warm by three degrees, which will cause massive suffering and upheaval across the globe.

In the UK, we are living way beyond our means. Our lifestyles are simply too affluent to be sustainable. Everyone seeks an answer. The problem is they don't want to hear a real answer. People do not want the truth.

The real answer lies in the very nature of the human being.

Human beings live one long, big lie. They think they have qualities and abilities which, in fact, require years of work and training to achieve. We are blind, totally blind to our faults.

Let me enlighten readers as to two of humanities delusions:

1 We think. That's a joke. We have lots and lots of random thoughts, we do not engage in logical constructive thought.

2 We have will. Humans think they have willpower and the ability to choose. The truth is we are divided and fragmented as individual beings. We are tossed this way and that by the events of life.

There are many more. However, the single greatest threat to the planet lies in the human race not evolving. We need to increase our level of being so it is more than the "pathetic brat" level it now occupies. This is the level where we think the world is there for us to use.

Humans see everything as simply a resource. Even daffodils growing in a field can't be left alone to grow. We interfere and use everything. Time is short. We need to change now.

-Simon Boyd, Newhaven