The article by Jean Calder on conflicting opinions on planning decisions in our city was excellent (The Argus, April 16).

As a member of Brighton and Hove Council's planning committee, I have listened to and read the insults heaped on us by some prominent members of the business community.

I can assure them I am also listening to the very vocal opposition to the large schemes coming before us and will make a balanced judgment on the day, as I have done for the past three years.

It was interesting to read that Simon Fanshawe is chairman of the board for Midnight Communications, a large Brighton-based PR company with links to the developers of the marina.

Incidentally, this company also marketed the proposed 42-storey Beetham Tower on the Brighton Station site, which was refused by the planning committee and is the subject of an appeal.

As chairman of the Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership, Mr Fanshawe may apparently be "passionate" about his adopted city.

All elected councillors share this passion for Brighton and Hove we wouldn't have put ourselves forward for election otherwise.

The difference is, however, we have to declare our interests when we become councillors and he does not.

-Councillor, Averil Older, Central Hove Ward