Two hundred and fifty dogs kept in cages so small they could not stand up, in a shed with no windows, with excrement everywhere and some of the dogs already dead (The Argus, April 18).

It can't get any worse - or can it? How many other such places exist? It seems this type of thing can so easily go unnoticed.

We need much stronger legislation to protect all pets as this could have been another type of pet.

We need registration for all pets upon purchase and more licensing.

Records need to be available to protect pets and regular inspections of breeding patterns is vital.

Sadly, money rears its ugly head and lack of it is often the reason for jobs not being carried out as they should be.

Everyone who was moved by the sad case of the 250 dogs should lobby MPs who can put pressure on the authorities with the power to stamp out such cruelty.

Deep down, I know all these rescued dogs will go to good homes the love for animals outweighs the cruelty among the general public.

Nevertheless, a lot more needs to be done to protect our pets.

-Gloria Wheatcroft, Co-ordinator Inner-City Wildlife Concern, Brighton